Italian Luxury Tannery
Antiba tannery produces high-quality chrome and vegetable-tanned goat and half-calf skins, which are the result of an innovative production process. Thanks to its achievements and reliability proved over time, Antiba is able to compete in the international market, supplying some of the most important luxury brands.
Reliability, innovation, sustainability, and exclusivity are the axes on which the tannery works to create luxury leathers. Antiba’s supply chain is based on social and environmental sustainability principles, and on the traceability of raw materials as confirmed by the certificates obtained over the years.
Our Strength
Security and Reliability
Thanks to the efficiency and punctuality offered to their customers, Antiba has built a solid reputation over the years. The company grants security and reliability starting from the origin of the raw materials, which are selected and controlled accurately. Such professionalism has grown and was developed over time thanks to the internalization of several production process phases – a distinctive trait of Antiba within the Tuscan tanning district – the installation of an in-house laboratory for physical tests, and the earning of several process certificates. The result is a safe, controlled, and certified finished leather.
The constant search for innovation and improvement has always set Antiba apart. The investment in new machines and refinement techniques, the development of expertise, and the internalization of different services, and production phases are the driving force of the company.
Antiba periodically introduces innovations in products and techniques in order to offer a product that lives up to the market standards.
The company’s efforts towards environmental and social sustainability are well highlighted in Antiba’s code of ethics, and they are taken into consideration every time new projects and investments start. Antiba’s sustainability strategy involves a zero-waste policy and punctual control over the factory’s consumption to progressively reduce the company’s environmental impact.
Antiba offers a very punctual, customized, and exclusive service to its customers. Each piece of leather is carefully treated during the prototype and industrial stages. Manual boarding, special manufacturing, and customization are some of the exclusive services reserved for the most demanding luxury customers.
Top Stories
“We will close the 2024 financial year with a remarkable increase in turnover,” confirms Paolo Balducci, founder of the company. “We are optimistic and continue to believe that there is still considerable room for growth. For this reason, we decided to expand by acquiring part of the shares of the Santa Croce-based Conceria Mangusta, a longstanding tannery specialized in the production of finished calf leather for belts".
Over the years, Antiba has pursued a policy focused on getting certified in fields such as social responsibility, quality, traceability, and environmental sustainability, in order to guarantee the respect of the highest industry standards. Following the market requests, the number of certifications achieved by the company has increased year after year. We are proud to inform you that our system for managing health and safety in the workplace is now certified according to the international standard ISO 45001. It proves that we go beyond what the law requires: we are committed to improving by focusing on ongoing training of workers for the prevention and mitigation of health and safety risks at work.
The commitments to improve our social and environmental performances are proved by the certifications achieved over the years. In 2023, in addition to the LWG GOLD medal, we have certified our system of social responsibility according to the international SA8000 standard, which makes us one of the very few SA8000-certified tanneries in Italy.
Conceria Antiba, the company specialized in the production of finished goat and calf leathers for leather goods and footwear, doubled the turnover achieving almost €50 million in 2022. The production of finished leathers increased to more than 1.120 million m2 last year.
Dopo l’upgrading strutturale, Antiba prosegue nel suo percorso verso la transizione sostenibile alzando l’asticella green del proprio approccio. La conceria toscana ha predisposto il suo primo report di sostenibilità, riferito all’anno di rendicontazione 2021. Anno di passaggio e di grandi investimenti, che l’hanno portata nel 2022 a trasferire tutte le attività nella nuova sede, internalizzando alcune fasi del processo produttivo. Leggi di più
Antiba si trasferisce a Ponte a Egola e cresce in produzione e sostenibilità
La Conceria Antiba pensa in grande e accelera nell’innovazione. Oggi l’azienda è guidata da Paolo e Graziano Balducci; alla famiglia, coinvolta fino alla terza generazione, si sono poi affiancate le figure di Maicol Dei e Simone Toschi, in qualità di responsabili di produzione.
Oltre che nella lavorazione di pelli caprine conciate al vegetale, Antiba negli anni si è specializzata anche nella lavorazione di pelli di vitello conciate al cromo e chrome free per calzatura e pelletteria di lusso.